Anti-plagiarism policy


Plagiarism in all its forms, self-plagiarism, multiple or redundant publication, as well as the invention or manipulation of data constitute serious ethical misconduct and are considered scientific fraud. Authors will not send to Anales del Instituto de Actuarios Españoles any original that has been previously submitted for consideration by another publisher, nor they have sent that original to another publisher until they have received notification of its rejection or have voluntarily withdrawn it.

However, it is acceptable to publish a paper that expands on a paper that has already appeared as a short note, paper or abstract in the proceedings of a conference, provided that the text on which it is based is properly cited and that the modifications make a substantial change to what has already been published. Secondary publications are also acceptable if they are aimed at completely different readerships, for example, if there is a version for specialists versus a version aimed at the general public. These circumstances should be specified and the original publication should be appropriately cited.

The editors of the journal check articles with the anti-plagiarism software Similarity Check, which uses iThenticate to detect coincidences and similarities between the articles submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other journals. If more than 20% matches are detected, a report will be sent to the author, offering him/her the possibility of rewriting the article, before rejecting it definitively.