Machine learning algorithms for auto insurance fraud detection


  • Elena Badal Valero Universidad de Valencia (España)
  • Andrés Sanjuán Díaz Universidad de Valencia (España)
  • Jorge Segura Gisbert Universidad de Valencia (España)



fraud, machine learning, insurance car, risk


Automobile insurance fraud has increased considerably in recent years, undoubtedly boosted by the economic crisis. This significant increase in fraudulent files and the new requirements of the regulations associated with Solvency II lead to greater control and allocation of resources against fraud by insurers. For these reasons, the importance of the use of prediction techniques for the detection of suspicious accidents is more than justified. In this paper, we present several methodologies with statistical foundation and automatic learning algorithms that enable the analysis and detection of such claims.


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How to Cite

Badal Valero, E., Sanjuán Díaz, A., & Segura Gisbert, J. (2020). Machine learning algorithms for auto insurance fraud detection. Anales Del Instituto De Actuarios Españoles, (26), 23–46.



Research articles