Classification of climate-related insurance claims using gradient boosting


  • George Tzougas Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
  • Viet Dang Ar Genesis (United Kingdom)
  • Asif John Ar Genesis (United Kingdom)
  • Stathis Kroustalis University of Economics and Business, Athens (Greece)
  • Debashish Dey WTW (United Kingdom)
  • Konstantin Kutzkov Teva Pharmaceuticals (United Kingdom)



cimate-related insurance claims, ensemble learning, decision trees, boosting


The aim of this paper is to implement, one of the most representative supervised learning approaches, the decision tree based ensemble method called gradient boosting for classifying the number of claims caused by storms in Greece using data from a major insurance company operating in Greece. Finally, a machine learning algorithm is used to for categorising the number of claims which have been occurred by a “storm event” into 3 categories: “no claims”, “1 claim”, “2 or more claims”.


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How to Cite

Tzougas, G., Dang, V., John, A., Kroustalis, S., Dey, D., & Kutzkov, K. (2022). Classification of climate-related insurance claims using gradient boosting. Anales Del Instituto De Actuarios Españoles, (28), 149–168.



Research articles