Impact of home and leisure accident rates on disability and costs of long-term care in Spain according the Edad 2020 survey




Social care, long term care costs, preventive actions


Home and leisure accidents (HLAs) are one of the main causes of mortality attributable to causes other than aging and Home and leisure accidents (HLAs) are one of the main causes of mortality attributable to causes other than aging and have a major impact on health systems. However, to date, studies measuring their socioeconomic impact are limited, unlike those associated with other causes such as accidents on the roads or in the workplace. We seek to analyze the long-term care (LTC) needs associated with HLAs in Spain using data from the recent EDAD 2020 survey. We conclude that the care needs derived from such accidents increase with age. The significant annual economic costs of HLAs in Spain, amounting to 2,158 million euros in 2020 or 0.19% of GDP, underscore the necessity to back preventive policies and to encourage insurance products that provide coverage for disabilities resulting from accidents at home and during leisure activities in general.


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How to Cite

Ayuso Gutiérrez, M., Guillen, M., & Rey, L. (2023). Impact of home and leisure accident rates on disability and costs of long-term care in Spain according the Edad 2020 survey. Anales Del Instituto De Actuarios Españoles, (29), 1–22.



Research articles