Best practice policy on gender equality

Anales del Instituto de Actuarios Españoles is firmly committed, both in its organisation and in its editorial features, to gender policies that lead to real equality between women and men.

Women represent more than 42% of the members of the journal's Editorial Board as well as 62.5% of its review panel.

Use of inclusive language

The journal uses inclusive language in line with the United Nations goal of "expressing oneself orally and in writing without discriminating against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity and without perpetuating gender stereotypes" ( Authors are invited to consult guides on non-sexist language such as those of CSIC or the Instituto de la Mujer of the Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad.

Full names of the authors, reviewers and Editorial Board

The names of the authors who publish in the journal, of those who are part of the Editorial Board and of the reviewers who participate each year, are always included.

Gender analysis in research

In articles containing representative population samples, authors should indicate whether gender has been considered in the design and development of the research in order to allow for the identification of possible differences and/or to avoid bias.