Aplication of Lee-Carter and Renshaw-Haberman models in life insurance products


  • Yovanna Macias Riskcenter - Research Group on Risk in Insurance and Finance. Universidad de Barcelona (España)
  • Miguel Santolino Riskcenter - Research Group on Risk in Insurance and Finance. Universidad de Barcelona (España)




mortality tables, provisions, risk management, longevity


The article analyzes differences between estimated premiums in life and mixed insurance products using the mortality/life tables for the Spanish insured population with the estimated premiums if we rely on the mortality/life tables based on the predictions made by the Lee-Carter model and the Renshaw-Haberman model. In the proposed scenarios, it is observed that the premiums calculated using the PASEM 2010 mortality tables are higher than those based on the Lee-Carter and Renshaw-Haberman models. However, it does not longer hold when the PERMF-2000P life tables are applied.


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How to Cite

Macias, Y., & Santolino, M. (2018). Aplication of Lee-Carter and Renshaw-Haberman models in life insurance products. Anales Del Instituto De Actuarios Españoles, (24), 53–78. https://doi.org/10.26360/2018_3



Research articles