Actuarial model for the valuation of Social Security cost for permanent disability due to a road accident
Actuarial Valuation, Social Security, Production Loss, Human CostAbstract
Road accidents generate innumerable costs to those affected. From material damages to economic damages. Some are independent of the human condition and others are conditioned to the victim's survival. However, although international research does take into account health expenses, it does not take into account the cost to Social Security in the area of pensions.
The aim of this paper is to determine a method for quantifying the cost of road accidents to the social security system for the permanent disability of the injured party. The methodology uses a "Human Cost" valuation model based on the actuarial technical bases developed in Law 35/2015, of 22 September, on the reform of the system for the valuation of damages caused to people in road accidents. The model is standardised, so that the cost can be easily determined. It takes into account the permanent sequelae or injuries that affect the victim for the rest of his or her life.
The main conclusion of the model is that wages received and age are the main cost factors. The practical realisation would lead to an increase in motor insurance rates by transferring the cost of social security to the private insurance field.
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