A proposal for the modelling of losses due to earthquake risk in Spain using the Solvency II formulation
earthquake risk, catastrophic risk, Solvency II, Insurance Compensation ConsortiumAbstract
In Spain, the risk of earthquake losses is covered by the Insurance Compensation Consortium. There are countless cases covered by this Consortium, one of the most memorable of which is the event that occurred in Lorca in 2011. Although this event may seem isolated, other provinces in Spain could also be affected by this type of event. This is the aim of this paper: to determine the earthquake risk that exists in Spain, as well as in each province and the interaction that could occur between provinces.
For this purpose, the 2015 Solvency II technical directive is used. This leads to measuring it through the non-life sub-module within natural risks.
The proposal developed in accordance with this technical directive for the case of Spain leads to what effect its implementation would have, as well as the comparison with the same risk of earthquake loss with the countries neighbouring Spain.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Barbazan Senin, Asier Garayeta Bajo, J. Iñaki De La Peña Esteban
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